
Qt creator update for harmattan developement

I am trying to update the Qt sdk for harmattan developement. This is the instruction i am following


After succesfully installing Qt and moving to the first point of updating Qt sdk for harmattan development

To update the Qt SDK with the MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan API target, click Help on the Qt Creator top toolbar and select Start Updater. On the Package manager tab, you can find the MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan API target from under Qt SDK > Development Tools > Harmattan > MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan. You can also select other targets, such as the Harmattan emulator (QEMU).

When i go to start updater -> package manager and hit next. The computer hangs(non responsive ) and after a while shows my login screen (as if it has restarted without showing any signs of restart which it normally does while restarting), once i login all my previous processes are gone including qt creator. I have no idea whats wrong here. My box is on ubuntu lts 12.04 and qt sdk is 1.2.1.


  • This is cause by a bug in the QWidgets of SDKMaintenanceTool. The workaround is start the updater from terminal with argument -style cleanlooks

    ~ $ /path/to/QtSDK/SDKMaintenanceTool -style cleanlooks