
MySQL local variables

I am trying to define and initialize a MySQL variable for a query.

I have the following:

DECLARE @countTotal INT;
SET @countTotal = SELECT COUNT(*) FROM nGrams;

I am using MySQL in Netbeans and it tells me I have an error. What/where is my error?

How can I fix this?


  • MySQL has two different types of variable:

    Therefore, if you are defining a stored program and actually do want a "local variable", per the wording in your question, you will need to drop the @ character and ensure that your DECLARE statement is at the start of your program block. Otherwise, to use a "user variable", drop the DECLARE statement.

    Furthermore, you will either need to surround your query in parentheses in order to execute it as a subquery:

    SET @countTotal = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM nGrams);

    Or else, you could use SELECT ... INTO:

    SELECT COUNT(*) INTO @countTotal FROM nGrams;