
Why is an IIS/WAS service not cleaning up lock queues on Win 2k8R2 with MSMQ 4.0

I have an IIS/WAS hosted service running as myself in the development environment. It is activated using net.msmq binding. It is configured to use BufferedReceive (it is a WF service), which involves locking the queue. (Sub queues prefixed lock_ are created).

After some time and after the app pool is terminated, the lock queues are automatically removed.

After moving the system to production, with the environment AFAIK identical, but with the service running as a dedicated account, the lock queues are no longer cleaned up. If I stop the app pool, the lock queue remains, with messages.

The most obvious difference is the accounts under which the service runs but I can't find what kind of permissions are affecting this. Alternatively, is there some other configuration difference I am overlooking. Thanks for help.


  • OK this turns out to be a bug in IIS/WAS.

    I had 3 app pools , 2 of which were auto-starting, one of them consuming the msmq. All shared the same AD domain identity, which was shared with the NetMsmqListenerActivator. That netmsmqlistener service was originally stopped, but after I had started it, the symptoms appeared.

    Somehow IIS/WAS was creating multiple channels, sending messages to the wrong processes. I have worked around this by creating a separate identity, used now by the mq consuming web service and the netmsmqlistener, followed by a server reboote.

    This was a painful problem that only occured on the production server. The lesson learned is to make sure that the production server shares the same hotfixes and patches as the test server .

    UPDATE: Hotfix for Win 2k8 R2 SP1: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2672277