I've just seen this line of Ruby code in ruby-trello:
# Returns the member who created the action.
one :member_creator, :via => Member, :using => :member_creator_id
It seems to relate to a superclass method defined as:
def self.one(name, opts = {})
class_eval do
define_method(:"#{name}") do |*args|
options = opts.dup
klass = options.delete(:via) || Trello.const_get(name.to_s.camelize)
ident = options.delete(:using) || :id
I understand that class_eval relates to reflection.
Could someone please explain the purpose of the subclass code line?
My guess would be that it's calling the class member one
passing :member_creator
as name and the two trailing args as the opts
argument. But why would this be called at the class level?
It is appears to be a way to DRY up some code used to find a single record by primary key.
You basically pass a class/model name and a method used to get the primary key.
This code:
one :member_creator, :via => Member, :using => :member_creator_id
Creates this method:
def member_creator