
Track data change (Update/Delete) in MySQL

I have a db schema where user data is stored using foreign key references , these foreign keys are admin defined . Also , there is some data which is stored without primary keys , however I have other constraints in place to avoid redundancy and other issues .

Due to the requirements of the application when a user 'updates' their info I have to delete all user records from the 'updated' table and reinsert all the user's records again . (I have looked into all other options)

Now because of my search solution (solr) , I need to track changes to the user data (updates/deletes) . I am planning on having a view to compare the last committed data to the real time data . I am fearful of how sustainable it would be to have a stored procedure running every 20 minutes or so , is there a better way of tracking data with SQL ?


  • You could create a change table that contains the same columns as the original table plus another column called "UpdatedOn." Then set up a trigger to write to this change table the original values when the original table is changed.

    Example: Original Table:

    Name | Address | City
    Jane Doe | 1 Main St. | New York

    Change to Original Table:

    Name | Address | City
    Jane Doe | 2 Smith St. | Dubuque

    ...which triggers an insert to the Change Table:

    Name | Address | City | UpdatedOn
    Jane Doe | 1 Main St. | New York | 2012-01-01

    There is information about using triggers in mysql here: