I have a for
loop in my (c++ .Net Win32 Console) code which has to run as fast as possible. So I need to make the compiler use a register instead of storing it in RAM.
MSDN says:
The register keyword specifies that the variable is to be stored in a machine register, if possible.
This is what I tried:
for(register int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
When I look at Disassembly code which the compiler generates, I see:
012D4484 mov esi,dword ptr [std::_Facetptr<std::codecvt<char,char,int> >::_Psave+24h (12DC5E4h)]
012D448A xor ecx,ecx
012D448C push edi
012D448D mov edi,dword ptr [std::_Facetptr<std::codecvt<char,char,int> >::_Psave+10h (12DC5D0h)]
012D4493 mov dword ptr [Size],ebx
012D4496 test ebx,ebx
012D4498 jle FindBestAdd+48h (12D44B8h) //FindBestAdd is the function the loop is in
012D449A lea ebx,[ebx]
I am expecting the assembly code not to generate a dword ptr
where I used register
So, How would I know if it's possible for compiler to use a register and What should I do to force the compiler to read/write directly from/to registers.
In your case the compiler will most likely use a register anyway if you supply the right optimization options.
In general, the only way to force a variable into a register is to use inline assembly.