I am trying to iterate over a backbone collection object and print one of it's attributes into a unlinked list on a haml-coffee template (.hamlc).
In context, I have a collection of fonts. I want to print the name of each font onto the template.
This is how imagine the code is going to look:
- for font in @fonts
= font.name
However, this does not iterate at all. I can put any input in this for loop and it simply doesn't execute.
This is what @fonts looks like when output to the console.log
Object {0: Object, 1: Object, 2: Object, 3: Object, 4: Object…}
0: Object
_id: "50bed321dbc554c7a0000005"
data: Object
name: "Actor"
user_ids: Array[0]
__proto__: Object
1: Object
2: Object
3: Object
How do I iterate over this object and output and print each name in the template?
It seems you should specify which attribute of @fonts collection you are about to display like this :
- for font in @fonts.name
= font
If you'd like to iterate over object or collection you use :
- for name, location of @fonts
= name + "lives in" + location
(for example, in case your fonts object has name and location properties)
In your code just replace 'in' with 'of' .