I'm pretty new to Rails. I have been developing my app with RSpec. I have just followed a tutorial for Facebooker2 and added the before_filter
for authentication.
before_filter :ensure_authenticated
However, my specs such as the one below failed because there's no valid session which is understandable.
describe "GET index" do
it "assigns all answers as @answers" do
get :index, {}, valid_session
assigns(:answers).should include(answers(:reading))
But I can't seem to find a way to fake a valid session for rspec to use in the following function.
def valid_session
Is there a way at all? If not, what is the rails way of doing things for such a case?
If you aren't concerned about testing the actual authentication and just want to simulate a valid session, you could stub out the filter:
EDIT: you may need ApplicationController.stub(...)