
Get DOM text node from point?

Just like I can get an element from a point with document.elementFromPoint or document.getElementFromPoint, is it possible to somehow get a text node if the point is at a text node? I guess if at least I could get the text node's position and size I could then figure out which of them contains the point. But then DOM nodes don't have position properties. Is it possible to do this at all?


  • Here is an implementation that works in all current browsers:

    document.betaNodeFromPoint = function(x, y){
        var el = document.elementFromPoint(x, y);
        var nodes = el.childNodes;
        for ( var i = 0, n; n = nodes[i++];) {
            if (n.nodeType === 3) {
                var r = document.createRange();
                var rects = r.getClientRects();
                for ( var j = 0, rect; rect = rects[j++];) {
                    if (x > rect.left && x < rect.right && y > && y < rect.bottom) {
                        return n;
        return el;