I have a movieclip "achtergrond" from my library which I put on stage with a function like this:
function set_game ()
oefNr = 4;
var bg:achtergrond = new achtergrond();
bg.x = 0;
bg.y = 0;
bg.name = "bg";
bg.gotoAndStop ("uit");
addChild (bg);
set_next ();
The movieclip contains 2 frames "aan" and "uit" and it starts on the frame "uit". Further in my game I want to set the frame to "aan" while a sound is playing, like this:
function playSnd ():void
snd = new Sound(new URLRequest("phonetic_" + curArr[curSnd] + ".mp3"));
cnl = snd.play();
cnl.addEventListener (Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, completeSnd);
But for the life of me I can't find the correct way to do this. Flash keeps going on about displayObjects and other things, and I have no clue why I can't address my movieclip. Actually, I have a clue, but no more than that. I don't understand this part of Flash very well yet.
The answer is that if I try to access my clip like this: this["bg"] or getChildByName("bg") I am referring to the DisplayObject. This does not have all the methods of a MovieClip, like the gotoAndStop I need in this case.
I declared a new variable:
var movie:MovieClip;
Then I cast my DisplayObject as a MovieClip and put it into the var movie:
function set_game ()
oefNr = 4;
var bg:achtergrond = new achtergrond();
bg.x = 0;
bg.y = 0;
bg.name = "bg";
bg.gotoAndStop ("uit");
addChild (bg);
movie = this.getChildByName("bg") as MovieClip;
set_next ();
Now I can use MovieClip-specific methods like gotoAndStop:
function playSnd ():void
snd = new Sound(new URLRequest("phonetic_" + curArr[curSnd] + ".mp3"));
cnl = snd.play();
cnl.addEventListener (Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, completeSnd);
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