
Trigger/activate the RowEditor from bean for a primefaces In-Cell editing enabled p:dataTable

I have a primefaces p:dataTable with InCell editing enabled and want to trigger/activate the RowEditor for the newly added row.

Excerpt of XHTML

<p:commandButton id="btnAddEntry" value="Add new row" actionListener="#{myBean.addNewCar}" ... update="carTable growl" process="@this carTable ..."/>

<p:dataTable id="carTable" var="car" value="#{myBean.cars}" ... editable="true">  
        <p:column ...>  
        <p:column ...>  
                <p:rowEditor />  

Here is what i have so far for the bean method:

public void addNewCar() {

    Car newCar = new Car();

    FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    UIComponent uiTable = ComponentUtils.findComponent(facesContext.getViewRoot(), "carTable");
    DataTable table = (DataTable) uiTable;

    final AjaxBehavior behavior = new AjaxBehavior();    
    RowEditEvent rowEditEvent = new RowEditEvent(uiTable, behavior, table.getRowData());

i don't know

  1. if this is the correct approach
  2. in case yes, which object to pass to the constructor RowEditEvent(UIComponent component, Behavior behavior, Object object) as the 3rd parameter


  • If you have only one data table in the facelet try to use this

    oncomplete="jQuery('.ui-datatable-data tr').last().find('span.ui-icon-pencil').each(function(){jQuery(this).click()});

    Add this to the command button. This should work.