
Split a hyphenated string

i want get part of value from a database
i know i must use split code but its going to remove from php
so i must use what now
for example i have

$value = "10-20-30-40-50-87";
//i want to get 30 for example

i know i can use

$aryStr = split("#", $string); 
 print "$aryStr[0]<br>";
 print "$aryStr[1]";   

but its give me a error in php5.3
so what i must use now for get 40 from value


  • Use PHP explode function to split the $value into an array of Strings.

    $value = "10-20-30-40-50-87";
    $pieces = explode("-", $value);
    echo $pieces[0]; // 10
    echo $pieces[1]; // 20