Someone can explain me how to develop in assembly on OpenVMS, I already develop in C on OpenVMS and I've just start with assembly in Windows and Linux. How can I compile, link and run an .asm program?
Just use the HELP and RTFM (Read The Fine Manuals)
Suggested Google string = openvms macro
Below is a trivial example i just typed in, in one go. Create; Compile; link; run.
This was On Itanium. Alpha and Vax would be exactly the same for such trivial program
The hardest part was to paste the code example here... the { } code block was eating my new-lines, if the line did not start with 4+ spaces. Odd! 'Trying to help' POS!
First, create a file:
$CREATE test.mar
Then we put this text into that file:
.psect data wrt,noexe
.ascid "Hello World"
.psect code nowrt,exe
.entry start, 0
movl #5, R8
pushaq hello
calls #1, G^lib$put_output
sobgtr R8, 10$
.end start
With that completed, hit control-z to return to DCL and compile and run:
$ MACRO test
$ LINK test
$ RUN test
Hello World
Hello World
Hello World
Hello World
Hello World