
Enable full pandas summary on a huge data frame

I have a large data frame. Usually, when I have a data frame like this I get the summary for that data frame, where I get the info of how many non-NaN values in each column and column names. However for this one I get an even shorter summary:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 138289 entries, 1993-07-23 to 2012-11-26
Columns: 101 entries, AAT to ZZT
dtypes: object(101)

I'd like to get a standard summary, with info about each column.

I'm using ipython notebook and pandas 0.9.1 if that has anything to do with it


  • unfortunately is hacked to not display the full summary unless there are fewer than 100 columns (look at the source code). We'll get it fixed for 0.10: