
Symfony vendors in git project

I have a Symfony project, which was always held in an svn project. Now I am trying to make the move to git (on github).

The problem is that

git status

always tells me that there are modified and new files/folders, which I cannot seem to commit...

When I

git add

these files/folders, then commit will just tell me I have nothing to commit, and that the files/folders are still untracked?

All the other stuff in my Symfony project is committed and pushed file, its just certain stuff in the vendors folder which I can't seem to get going.

How can I fix this?

ps: I am also having trouble getting composer to update my vendors.


  • My best practice is to completely ignore the vendors directory, and install all the vendors bundle with composer on every development machine using composer.json and composer.lock (thus, you will need to add these files to your repo!)