
How to prevent OpenOffice/LibreOffice Calc from changing what you input (data, numbers,...)

Basically, I want LibreOffice Calc to do what I tell it, not what it wants.

For example:

I want it to never ever touch my data until I explicitly tell it to. Is that possible at all?

I know I can set format of a cell to text. It doesn't help at all. Example:

I know I can write ' in front of anything for it to be forced text. Again it doesn't help, because when I paste in text, I cannot have ' auto-appended to it.

I hope this is possible. I tried googling for different problems and never found a good answer.


  • I understand your problem with pasting pure unformatted text. This may be more work than you like (we can try to automate that later) but when I paste data from Notepad, I am prompted with an import screen as you can see below. Select the column header(s) and then select Column type: Text. This should solve your paste/import problem. An alternative is to handle this with an AutoHotKey script.enter image description here

    Oh b.t.w. the @ is the format type for text, just like you have HH for 24 hour or ddd for weekdays...