I don't understand why I can't get the right range object. It's hard for me to explain the problem.
For example: I have five divs, each div contain a phrase. Logically if I trigger a mousedown
event in one of these div I can get the event-target. Ok, this is elementary.
But, if I work with the range object on a mousedown
event, the event-target is always that I have clicked but the range.startContainer
is pointing at the previous div;
Check out this fiddle:
1 LineLineLine
2 LineLineLineLineLine
3 LineLineLineLine
4 LineLineLine
5 LineLineLineLine
Steps for reproducing the problem ( See console ):
[*] Is undefined because the document don't have a range yet, but this is insignificant because I can create one at fly and inject him in document.
I can deduce that the mousedown event is executed before the range.. Or not?
I don’t think you can get the right range on mousedown, the trigger is faster than the range detection. You can use mouseup (demo):
Or add a small delay (demo):
$("div.line").mousedown(function() {
setTimeout(setPos, 4);