
Hibernate criteria query multiple criteria

In my current project I've faced a problem of getting entities with hibernate criteria query. I have the following entities:

Now, I want to get all assignments relative to the professor, i.e. all assignments Professor assigned to his students.

This query shows what I want to implement in criteria query.

select * from Assigment p, Student a, Professor c where p.studentid = and a.proffid = and = 2411;

How can I implement this query using hibernate criteria API?


  • suppose your tables like that:

    public class Professor{
        K id;
        List<Student> students;
    public class Student{
        K profid;
        List<Assignments> assignments;
    public class Assignments{
        K studentid;

    simple sample by using alias:

    Criteria criteria = currentSession.createCriteria(Professor.class, "professor");
        criteria.createAlias("professor.students", "student");
        criteria.createAlias("student.assigments", "assigment");
        criteria.add(Restrictions.eqProperty("", "student.profid"));
        criteria.add(Restrictions.eqProperty("assigment.studentid", "student.profid"));
        criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("id", 2411));
    return criteria.list();