
WPF Webcam Integration

I am trying to get webcam integration working with a WPF application. There have been a few questions here about getting a webcam functioning in WPF, in this case for image capture. Many people recommend the VideoCaptureElement from the WPF MediaKit. We are currently using this, however it doesn't appear to be particularly performant, there is high CPU usage, and the application experiences slow down after regular use of the camera.

We are looking into either integrating a Silverlight hosted solution, or an ActiveX webcam control hosted using a WindowsFormsHost. Has anyone successfully used either approach in a WPF application?


  • We decided to drop WPF MediaKit because it proved not to work on certain cameras (to do with pixel formats), and the project wasn't actively being developed.

    Instead, we are now using the Capture class in the Emgu CV project, which works very well. There are lots of articles online about using Emgu CV to perform webcam integration.