
How to save BitmapImage / WriteableBitmap using SaveFileDialog in Silverlight 3.0?

How can a WriteableBitmap from Silverlight be Saved onto the File System, I am unsure what to do with the FileStream to make this work, it can be in Bitmap, PNG, Jpeg format etc, as long as a commercial library is not required.
Is it possible to do this?

Here is my call to SaveDialog, below:

    Dim SaveDialog As New SaveFileDialog
    If SaveDialog.ShowDialog Then
            Using FileStream As Stream = SaveDialog.OpenFile
               ' Save Image File Code Here
            End Using
        Catch ex As Exception

        End Try
    End If


Added mention of WritableBitmap as this is what my XAML is writing to, I just need to save it, there is a WriteableBitmap.Pixels property which is a 1-dimensional array of integer pixels, can this be put into a filestream, and if so, how?

Here is some example code I have that writes the Pixel Stream to a File, however this works it does not "bitmapify" the data and the resulting output is useless but it is writing my image stream, I just need to know how to mark-it-up so that it is a Bitmap file (or anything else). I have found the JPEG and PNG examples before, but none of them explain well how they work, I may have to use the PNGEncoding method as this is the only one that will integrate into my codebase. But is there a simple BMP file version out there?

        Dim Image As Imaging.WriteableBitmap = _Style.Image
        Dim Area As Integer = Image.PixelWidth * Image.PixelHeight
        For Raster As Integer = 0 To Area - 1
            Dim Pixel As Integer = Image.Pixels(Raster)
            Dim Bytes() = BitConverter.GetBytes(Pixel And &HFF)
            FileStream.Write(Bytes, 0, 4)


  • There are a several open-source encoders out there:

    FJCore: http://code.google.com/p/fjcore/

    Joe Stegman's PNG Encoder: Link

    FreeImage: http://freeimage.sourceforge.net/

    You can use any of these to encode various formats. Here's a post on saving a WriteableBitmap once it's baked:


    UPDATE: After doing some more searching it looks like saving a WriteableBitmap to a file is limited in SL3 due to security issues. There is a workaround:


    Looks like you have to save the contents of a Canvas to a file. You should be able to modify the sample to save JPEG or other formats.