
Netbeans 7.2.1 Visual Web Editor

Is there some sort of Visual Web Editor for Netbeans 7.2.1 and JSF development?


  • I think no. Look at here to find what Netbeans recommends:

    Where can I find the Visual Web Pack with Visual Editor support for web page design?

    Starting from NetBeans 6.8, the Visual Web module is no longer available. No further development is planned. Those who want to use the Visual Web pack can use NetBeans 6.7.1 or earlier versions and get the Visual Web module from the Beta Update center.

    Visual Web Documentation for NetBeans IDE are now archived and can be downloaded as part of the NetBeans IDE 6.5 Documentation Archive. The zip file of the archive can be downloaded from

    What other options are available for developing JSF based Web apps?

    Developers who want to use a WYSIWYG, Visual Web-type environment that is still maintained have the following options:

    JDeveloper ADF Faces from Oracle

    This is a free to develop offering which provides a full featured visual JSF development environment. Oracle ADF Faces provides over 150 AJAX enabled JSF components including graphs, gauges, maps and the full set of core components as provided by the discontinued Woodstock project. For details see

    IcesFaces for NetBeans

    IceFaces provides a similar JSF component set as Woodstock, including support for JSF 2.0. IceFaces enables users to continue using NetBeans IDE, but without a visual development environment. See for more information.

    Apache MyFaces Trinidad

    Apache MyFaces Trinidad is a JSF framework that has a large, enterprise quality component library, including support for JSF 2.0. Oracle'S ADF Faces is built on this framework. See for more information.