
How to make a fallback to a whole folder in requireJS

I understood how I can config in requireJS a fallback for a single file like this:

    var skin = "christmas";


    paths: {
        languagesLocal : [
            BaseUrl +  skin + '/js/languagesLocal',
            BaseUrl +  "default" + '/js/languagesLocal'


so incase there is no "chrismas" skin I land to the default script.

Now - my question is - How do I make a complete folder to be the fallback folder? so incase one file does not exist in the skin folder - it will have a fallback in another folder. I need that each file will be checked if it exist and if not it should have a fallback in the default folder

I tried to do it with baseUrl:

 var skin = "christmas";


       baseUrl: [
        BaseUrl +  skin + '/js/',
        BaseUrl +  'default' + '/js/'

but it fails and render the baseUrl as one huge URL combined with the 2 strings.


  • Edit: I misinterpreted your question. I know it is possible for single modules:

    With this technique, you could create a module which would verify each module's existance:


    define(['a', 'b'], function(a, b) {}, 
       function(err) {
          if (err.requireModules) {
             for(var i = 0; i < err.requireModules.length; i++) {
                   baseUrl: BaseUrl +  'default' + '/js/'
                require([requireModules[i]], function () {});