
Messaging to UI thread

I am developing a serialport application for knx modules in android. I can send and recieve commends to knx modulde. I want to change ui(for ex. button properties) when a message recieved from serialport. I tried it with handlers but i havent be able to change ui. help me plss.

@Override public void OnSerialsData(final byte[] buffer, final int size) { .... }

its my serialport listener function calling insine ReadThread. This thread is starting in differend package from my activity. I want to send a message in this method to main activity.


  • You can use Activity.runOnUiThread() to communicate with UI thread. Read more about Processes and Threads, especially about worker threads.

    For example within your OnSerialsData, you can call

    mActivity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            mActivity.mButton.setText("message arrived!");