
Idiomatic way to shrink a record in QuickCheck

Suppose I have a record type:

data Foo = Foo {x, y, z :: Integer}

A neat way of writing an Arbitrary instance uses Control.Applicative like this:

instance Arbitrary Foo where
   arbitrary = Foo <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
   shrink f = Foo <$> shrink (x f) <*> shrink (y f) <*> shrink (z f)

The list of shrinks for a Foo is thus the cartesian product of all the shrinks of its members.

But if one of these shrinks returns [ ] then there will be no shrinks for the Foo as a whole. So this doesn't work.

I could try saving it by including the original value in the shrink list:

   shrink f = Foo <$> ((x f) : shrink (x f)) <*> ... {and so on}.

But now shrink (Foo 0 0 0) will return [Foo 0 0 0], which means that shrinking will never terminate. So that doesn't work either.

It looks like there should be something other than <*> being used here, but I can't see what.


  • I don't know what would be considered idiomatic, but if you want to ensure that every shrinking reduces at least one field without increasing the others,

    shrink f = tail $ Foo <$> shrink' (x f) <*> shrink' (y f) <*> shrink' (z f)
        shrink' a = a : shrink a

    would do that. The Applicative instance for lists is such that the original value is the first in the result list, so just dropping that gets you a list of values really shrunk, hence shrinking terminates.

    If you want all fields shrunk if possible, and only unshrinkable fields to be retained as is, it is a bit more complicated, you need to communicate whether you have already gotten a successful shrink or not, and in case you haven't gotten any at the end, return an empty list. What fell off the top of my head is

    data Fallback a
        = Fallback a
        | Many [a]
    unFall :: Fallback a -> [a]
    unFall (Fallback _) = []
    unFall (Many xs)    = xs
    fall :: a -> [a] -> Fallback a
    fall u [] = Fallback u
    fall _ xs = Many xs
    instance Functor Fallback where
        fmap f (Fallback u) = Fallback (f u)
        fmap f (Many xs)    = Many (map f xs)
    instance Applicative Fallback where
        pure u = Many [u]
        (Fallback f) <*> (Fallback u) = Fallback (f u)
        (Fallback f) <*> (Many xs)    = Many (map f xs)
        (Many fs)    <*> (Fallback u) = Many (map ($ u) fs)
        (Many fs)    <*> (Many xs)    = Many (fs <*> xs)
    instance Arbitrary Foo where
        arbitrary = Foo <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
        shrink f = unFall $ Foo <$> shrink' (x f) <*> shrink' (y f) <*> shrink' (z f)
            shrink' a = fall a $ shrink a

    maybe someone comes up with a nicer way to do that.