
Invitation to friends to ask for liking fanpage

How to use Facebook API to send invitations to friends to ask for a specific fanpage like.

And the other question.

How then show a list of users who have sent an invitation with an indication of how many people liked the profile. In this way, users will take a ranking of who sent the most invitations


  • How to use Facebook API to send invitations to friends to ask for a specific fanpage like.

    You may use the Notification API, with a message and the link to page. Or, using the Feed dialog by posting on wall to each of the app user. (I prefer the first one)

    How then show a list of users who have sent an invitation with an indication of how many people liked the profile. In this way, users will take a ranking of who sent the most invitations

    The invitations will be sent to all the friends I guess. If not, then you have to keep the record of the invitations sent, manually.