I am using rspec and webrat for behavior driven development. This is the first time I am using webrat.
I followed webrat's instructions on how to use the gem, so I think it is installed correctly (the gem shows when I use bundle show
The problem occurs when I just want to test whether my rendered view (welcome/index.html.erb) has an h1 tag. Should be fairly simple.
My code looks like this:
require 'spec_helper'
describe "welcome/index.html.erb" do
render :template => "welcome/index", :layout => "layouts/application"
it "displays a welcome message" do
rendered.should have_selector "h1"
I got there because of this question, but maybe it is a little old. When I run the test it gives me
undefined method `render'
What am I doing wrong? How can I fix this?
Found a way to solve it. Apparently this is much easier than I thought:
describe "welcome/index.html.erb" do
it "displays a welcome message" do
rendered.should have_selector "h1"
Apparently I just have to say render
inside the "it" block. This solves the problem for me.