I encountered a problem after I finished all process of installing TurboGear2 on my OS X 10.8.2. Using Python2.7, TurboGear2.2.0 The installing process was based on tutorial of official website: http://www.turbogears.org/2.2/docs/main/DownloadInstall.html
Problem describing:
1. Follow the tutorial, installation went smoothly until nosetests show 10 ERRORs.
2. Then, "paster setup-app development.ini" also show error messages as below:
But I command "paster serve development.ini" in terminal, the server still successfully work.
I think there're some problems, but I found no answers. Do anyone have any idea about this? Thanks a lot.
Yeah unfortunatly that's a problem with the new version of sqlalchemy... just remove the version of sqlalchemy pip uninstall sqlalchemy
and install the 0.7.9 version pip install sqlalchemy==0.7.9