I already know that there are flash and html5 players that can effectively stream a shoutcast source. I also know that I can simply add a link to the .pls and have it open. I know that I can't force a specific player to be used on a users system. I've looked through various questions on this site and haven't actually found a solution. I know that if I use a simple href command and point it to an m3u file I can pop open a window and then it will load whatever audio player a user has set as a default player. What I would like to do is provide a way for a person to click on a link for a specific type of player and then have that open an embedded player of that type. If the user does not have that plug-in or player installed it will offer the option to dowload and install. I've figured out how to embed a windows media player and a quicktime player but I haven't yet figured out how to embed real audio or a "default" (winamp vlc media) player. I'm hoping someone has an idea on how to accomplish this. Thanks.
All you need to do is embed the right content, and the system will use whatever plugin has registered itself to handle that content type.
<embed src="somefile.ra" />