
How to get the WS operation name in Handler using JAX RPC?

I have written a handler to construct my SOAP headers, but i am going to use it for different operations. Now depending on operation, some of the header names change. So i need to know which operation is getting called, based on which i will change my header name.

There in lies my problem . I am using JAX RPC, which is the requirement of the current project that i am working on. How do i get to know the operation name in my handler ? Kindly help.


  • I did some research on this. There is not a lot of material available on the internet for this. However i got lucky. Those who are facing similar problems like me can use this method :

        protected String getMethodName(MessageContext mc)
        String operationName = null;
        SOAPMessageContext messageContext = (SOAPMessageContext) mc;
        // assume the operation name is the first element
        // after SOAP:Body element
        Iterator i = messageContext.
        while ( i.hasNext() )
        Object obj =;
        if(obj instanceof SOAPElement)
        SOAPElement e = (SOAPElement) obj;
        operationName = e.getElementName().getLocalName();
        catch(Exception e)
        return operationName;

    This method takes the message context object and iterates through the whole soap envelope to get the operation name.

    Hope this helps some of the folks.