I am developing a system which extract the outlook calendar data
and save it on android device calendar. Up to now all other outlook data are extracted and saved successfully. Now I need to create recurrence rule (rrule
). Because android device calendar use to save recurrence pattern as a rule which is mentioned as rfc5545
standard. So how can I extract outlook recurrence pattern as a rule (like iCal format)
In briefly, I need to get recurrence pattern of the Outlook calendar event as like this
you need to use the Office RecurrencePattern Object
see msft docs which represents the pattern of incidence of recurring appointments for the associated AppointmentItem
the object has RecurrenceType (olRecursDaily, olRecursMonthly, ...)
which have themselves properties (Interval, DayOfWeekMask, DayOfMonth, ...)
with this information you can build the string defined by rfc5545.
one example implementation is available see : sourceforge otlook2ical