On a build server, I see some weird message. It doesn't say so, but I think it's from some software called 'fx cop'
Warning CS0067: The event 'SunGard.Adaptiv.AnalyticsEngine.UI.CommonControls.DisabledCommand.CanExecuteChanged' is never used
How can I silence this message? Without changing what my class does.
sealed class DisabledCommand : ICommand
public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged;
I stumbled upon docs for System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute
which sounds useful, but there aren't any examples for my warning.
If you need to create an event that is never raised, you should make a noop event:
public EventHandler CanExecuteChanged {
add { }
remove { }
The compiler is complaining because a default ("field-like") event will create a hidden backing field to store the handlers. Since you never raise the event, that field just wastes memory.