
Movable Type MTEntryAsset Else Statement Not Working

I'm trying to get the Entry Summary of my movable type blog to display an image with the title formatted a certain way over the image (The image is tagged if it will be used for this purpose), and display the title another way if there is no image. However, I cannot get the else statement to work with MTEntryAsset as it should. If there is no EntryAssets tagged "homepage" with the type "image" it does nothing.

<mt:entryassets tag="homepage" type="image" limit="1"> 
     <div class="image_entrie_header"><img src="<mt:assetthumbnailurl>"></div>
     <h3 class="blog_entry_headingimg"><a href="<mtentrypermalink>"><mt:entryTitle></a></h3>
     <h3 class="blog_entry_heading"><a href="<mtentrypermalink>"><mt:entryTitle></a></h3>


  • I do not believe the EntryAssets tag supports <mt:Else>, but you can achieve this with a little Movable Type logic.

    With some simple tags, you would be able to do something like this:

    <mt:If tag="EntryCategory">
      <p>Filed under <$mt:EntryCategory$></p>

    But since your block tag, EntryAssets, is a complicated tag taking several template tag modifiers, one of which is also called tag, this won't work. We can fake it using Movable Type variables like this:

    <$mt:Var name="asset_found" value="0"$>
    <mt:EntryAssets tag="homepage" type="image" limit="1">
      <$mt:Var name="asset_found" value="1"$>
      Your code here
    <mt:Unless name="asset_found">
      Show this if none found

    Note the first line where we set the variable asset_found to 0 is not strictly required by Movable Type, but it's good to reset the variable in case you use this block in multiple places in the same template.