How to config submenus in Orchard CMS(v1.6) using contoso theme?

Orchard CMS version is 1.6, and Contoso is current theme.

Main Menu in Navigation zone.

Four menu items have been created: News, submeun-1, submenu-2 and About

Now I want to make menu structure as submenu-1 and submenu-2 are submenus of News.

In Orchard Navigation section I have drag submenu-1 and submenu-2 into News, see pic below:

enter image description here

But actually, the menus navigation looks like below:

enter image description here

Expect: Mouse hover News Menu item, submenu-1 and submenu-2 popup.

How to fix this bug? Thank you all!


  • Thanks for Bertrand Le Roy advise.

    This work has been done by changing contoso theme CSS file.