
Changing Title attributes of a bunch of music files by a script

I have quite a lot of music files but their title attributes have the track numbers infront of them, like 01.TrackName, 02.TrackName. What is the best way to strip off integers from the file attributes?

Edit: I am using windows and all music files are MP3. Any solution as batch files, c++ or .net etc will be appreciated.


  • I'd use Flexible File Renamer to rename the files per your needs. It does require some familiarity with patterns and, in some advanced scenarios, regular expressions.

    There are several other similar tools on the market, each with their own scope as to what they can do and how easily it can be done.

    See The website shows a screenshot of a user batch-renaming a set of MP3 files using not only elements within the filename but also ID3 tag-related information such as track title and artist.