
Android - how do I run my app in the Nook emulator which I think I installed

I just went through the steps to install the NOOK packages from my sdk manager.

But what are the steps to actually run apps with the nook emulator?

I am going from these instructions, but they are a bit confusing:



  • If it's installed, can you not just run it from the Android Virtual Device manager (in Eclipse, this is found under Window > Android Virtual Device Manager), creating an instance of the Nook table using the new button.

    These instructions seem more followable, see section 3.1-2. It's funny how it's called "Quick Start" though.

    Section 3.3.3 deals specifically with running via Eclipse.

    General emulator usage (assuming Eclipse): Once the emulator has been created, and started, let it boot up completely, then run your app as an Android Application, choosing the running emulator as the target.

    If not using Eclipse, then adb install <file.apk> via command line will install to the currently connected device or emulator if there is only one running/connected.