
Maven plugin java.library.path

The maven-surefire-plugin supports using the java.library.path property by means of the <argLine> configuration option.

I need to pass the java.library.path property to sql-maven-plugin (which doesn't have an <argLine> configuration option) in order to use the jTDS driver with windows authentication (needs ntlmauth.dll).

Thanks in advance for your help.


  • The surefire plugin is a special case; it runs the tests in a separate JVM. Most maven plugins don't do this, they run in-process.

    So you are out of luck with that plugin config.

    One workaround you can try is to use the exec:exec goal of the exec-maven-plugin instead, specifying java with -Djava.library.path on the executable line and roll your own SQL-executing java code.

    Otherwise, you can add -Djava.library.path to your MAVEN_OPTS environment variable, which will affect all plugins and all maven builds (which might be fine, depends on your setup), or add it every time to the mvn command line.