
What event is fired when a Mediator is Registered?

I wrote the following test for my PureMVC project

public function facadeCanRegisterMediator():void {

    if(!Facade.getInstance().hasMediator(NewReelMediator.NAME)) {

        Facade.getInstance().registerMediator(new NewReelMediator());

However it is always failing. What event do I need to be listening for before I check that the facade has the mediator? Or is there some other reason it is failing?

I get the message "expected true but was false".


  • Well I feel stupid!

    The answer to my question is that I left out the name of the Mediator when registering it!

    The proper code should be:

    public function facadeCanRegisterMediator():void {
        if(!Facade.getInstance().hasMediator(NewReelMediator.NAME)) {
            Facade.getInstance().registerMediator(new NewReelMediator(NewReelMediator.NAME));

    which of course... passes. Events have nothing to do with it. There is no event which is fired when a mediator is registered.