I'm using git-ftp by resmo. https://github.com/resmo/git-ftp. When I run the first init command (and olso with push) like this
git ftp init -vv -u xxxxxxx@aruba.it -p - ftp.mydomain.com
There is a fatal problem
There are 1 files to sync:
[1 of 1] Buffered for upload 'index.php'.
Uploading ...
fatal: Could not upload file: '.git-ftp.log'., exiting...
fatal: Could not upload., exiting...
the full resonse here http://jsfiddle.net/ehijon/PHwpw/
for be sure I set config file in ".git" local folder with:
user = xxxxxxx@aruba.it
url = ftp://ftp.mydomain.com
password = xxmypassxx
deployedsha1file = public/.git-ftp.log
after I set "public" folder on remote with 777 permissions but in local I have not this file (.git-ftp.log)... what can I do to create it?
I tried to create it in remote manually, just for know if I have the permission and I can.
The ftp user and pass are correct. What can I do for solve this issue?
Ok, after a lot of tests I found the stupid problem. Aruba.it (an italian host) create a subdirectory in the root like this:
so just set the folder after the ftp in the url parameter:
url = ftp://ftp.mydomain.com/www.mydomain.com/public
...I hope this can help someone