
Capture the error output of a foreground command using plumbum

I'm using the plumbum python library ( as a replacement for shell scripts.

There's a command I want to run that, when it fails it outputs the paths to a file I'm interested in:

$ slow_cmd
Working.... 0%
Working.... 5%
Working... 15%
FAIL. Check log/output.log for details

I want to run the program on the foreground to check the progress:

from plumbum.cmd import slow_cmd

    f = slow_cmd & FG
except Exception, e:
    print "Something went wrong."

# Need the error output from f to get the log file :(    

When the slow_cmd fails, it throws the exception (which I can catch). But I cannot obtain the error output from the exception or from the f future object.

If I don't run the slow_cmd on the FG, the exception contains all of the output and I can read the file from there.


  • the problem is, FG redirects the output straight to your program's stdout. see

    when output is redirected this way, it doesn't go through plumbum's machinery so you won't get it in the exception object. if you're willing to block until slow_cmd finishes, a better solution would be to read from stdout yourself. here's a sketch:

    lines = []
    p = slow_cmd.popen()
    while p.poll() is None:
        line = p.stdout.readline()
        print line
    if p.returncode != 0:
        print "see log file..."

    a more elegant solution would be to write your own ExecutionModifier (like FG) that duplicates the output streams. let's call it TEE (after i haven't tested it, but it should do the trick (minus selecting on stdout/err):

    class TEE(ExecutionModifier):
        def __init__(self, retcode = 0, dupstream = sys.stdout):
            ExecutionModifier.__init__(self, retcode)
            self.dupstream = dupstream
        def __rand__(self, cmd):
            p = cmd.popen()
            stdout = []
            stderr = []
            while p.poll():
                # note: you should probably select() on the two pipes, or make the pipes nonblocking,
                # otherwise readline would block
                so = p.stdout.readline()
                se = p.stderr.readline()
                if so:
                if se:
            stdout = "".join(stdout)
            stderr = "".join(stderr)
            if p.returncode != self.retcode:
                raise ProcessExecutionError(p.argv, p.returncode, stdout, stderr)
            return stdout, stderr
        stdout, stderr = slow_cmd & TEE()
    except ProcessExecutionError as e:
        pass # find the log file, etc.