I have a Moodle installation that I migrated to another server and I need to change several references to the old domain.
How can I replace a string for another string in MySQL for a given database searching all tables, all fields, and all rows?
I don't need to change the field names, just the values.
Related: How can I use mySQL replace() to replace strings in multiple records?
But the marked as answer solution implies I strongly type the table name and I need to fire this into an entire database, not manually work on each table running the script N times.
I would consider querying INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS
and dynamically searching the columns and tables. Try something like creating a cursor of all the columns and tables in the db:
SELECT column_name, table_name
Then iterate through each of the columns in each of the tables and run dynamic/prepared sql to update where the string exists.
Here are a couple of good posts to get you in the right direction: