
How to write Component Undeploy and Binary Undeploy functionality of deployer extension in tridion 2011

I was just trying to write small deployer extension where if user publish/unpublish page/component/binary from the tridion, its records will go into specific table using storage extension.

Storage extension part is already done!!

Well I can easily write PageDeploy/ComponentDeploy and BinaryDeploy as I have got these classes in com.tridion.deployer.modules.

I can also write easily custom page undeployer class, however struggling to write component, binary undeploy as we don't have any class for that.

Please suggest whether is it possible or not, if yes point me to write class or method to get it.



  • Yup, there is no Component Undeploy or Binary Undeploy as you found out by yourself.

    Frank has a good example on how to extend the binary storage to track undeploy events here and for components you'll have to use ComponentPresentationUndeploy instead.