I am converting an Express app to Locomotive and I cannot figure out how to migrate my tests.
In Express, I simply did this in my /test/test.api.organization.js
var app = require("../app").app,
request = require("supertest");
should = require("should");
describe("Organization API", function() {
it( "GET /api/v1/organizations should return status 200 and Content-Type: application/json.", function (done) {
postReq.done( function () {
.get( "/api/v1/organizations" )
.set( "Authorization", authData )
.expect( 200 )
.expect( 'Content-Type', /application\/json/, done );
And that was it - simply require
'ing the app file was enough. But Locomotive does not have an app.js
or server.js
file, the server is started simply from command line with lcm server
How can I start the server/app and make my tests work again?
You can boot the Locomotive app yourself:
var locomotive = require('locomotive');
describe('Test Name', function() {
before(function(done) {
// instantiate locomotive app
this.app = new locomotive.Locomotive();
this.app.boot(ROOTDIRECTORY, ENVIRONMENT, function() {
// your test cases
ROOT_DIRECTORY is the directory where your Locomotive project lives, ENVIRONMENT is the environment in which you want your Locomotive app to run (usually test