
load a file for conjunctive normal form into a list of lists

I have written some code to load a cnf from a file which store the cnf according to the standard described here.

the file is:

c  simple_v3_c2.cnf      // lines bigining by c are comments
p cnf 3 2                // the line bigining by p is the description of the pb
1 -3 0                   // folowing lines are formulation of the pb, with 0 as ending caractere
2 3 -1 0

I want to load it into [[1, -3][2,3,-1]]

The code I have written works, but it seems ugly to me. I would be interested in having some feedback on it. (I am new to python).

def loadCnfFile(fileName='example.cnf'):
""" retourne une liste de listes d'entiers decrivants la forme normale conjonctive"""
cnfFile = open(fileName, 'r')
for line in cnfFile:
    if line[0]!="c" and line[0]!="p":
        l=line.split("0")[0].strip().split(" ")
        for k in l:
return cnf

Thanks !


  • using list comprehension:

    In [66]: with open("example.cnf") as f:
            print [map(int,line.split("0")[0].split()) for line in f if line and \
                                not (line.startswith("c") or line.startswith("p"))]
    [[1, -3], [2, 3, -1]]


    with open("example.cnf") as f:
             x= lambda y,c:y.startswith(c)
             print [map(int,line.split("0")[0].split()) for line in f if line and \
                                    not any(x(line,z) for z in ("c","p"))]
    [[1, -3], [2, 3, -1]]