
How to ensure an active conversation in JSF2?

We have a JSF2 based web application which models a purchase process, where the user enters and selects different information in a wizard-like manor, can navigate forward and backward and at some point finishes the process.

So nothing special, a typical conversation between the application and the user. For that I tried both the regular and the MyFaces conversation scope, but although I know how to begin and end a conversation. I still don't manage to ensure an active conversation, so in other words how do I avoid a user entering the process in the middle by typing the pages URL and instead of that redirecting him to step 1?


  • You can't avoid that. The enduser has full freedom over manipulating the request URL. Your best bet would be to stick to a single view/URL wherein the wizard steps are conditionally (ajax-)rendered based on the state of the view. This way the enduser can only navigate by the buttons provided in the UI and not by manipulating the URL.


    <h:panelGroup rendered="#{wizard.step == 1}">
       <ui:include src="/WEB-INF/wizard/step1.xhtml" />
    <h:panelGroup rendered="#{wizard.step == 2}">
       <ui:include src="/WEB-INF/wizard/step2.xhtml" />
    <h:panelGroup rendered="#{wizard.step == 3}">
       <ui:include src="/WEB-INF/wizard/step3.xhtml" />

    Also, this way you can get away with a single @ViewScoped bean instead of a @ConversationScoped one (with MyFaces CODI you would be able to use JSF @ViewScoped on a CDI @Named, for the case that is important).

    Further, PrimeFaces has a <p:wizard> component which does almost exactly like that. You may find it useful in order to save yourself from some painful boilerplate code as to validation and such.