
Coldfusion dynamic query output

Not sure if this is possible or not. What I am trying to do is build an output string via queries. I am concatenating the output "name" and appending the "value" to the end. Then outputting the string. I don't think this is possible. But I am looking for any alternatives.

So this is what I have:

qry1 is the main query. qry2 gets the value to append to the end of the string. So the value of variable test would look like this: "variables.qry1.100"

Which would make sense to qry1 as this is part of the query object. So then this string would return a correct value from the database as there is a subquery called 100

<cfloop query="variables.qry2">
    <cfset test = variables.qry1. & variables.qry2.#valueID#>

Many thanks.



  • What your trying to do is possible, but you need to build a variable name first.

    Instead of

    <cfset test = variables.qry1. & variables.qry2.#valueID#>


    <cfset test = "variables.qry1.#variables.qry2.valueID#">

    Test will then be variables.qry1.[valueID value]. Note that [valueID value] is what is getting returned from the query, so the actual value inside the variable.

    Then to display the value of variables.qry1.[valueID value].


    UPDATE As stated by Adam Cameron's answer. You should really try to avoid the evaluate() function, it's quite a performance hit and not considered good practice. Instead rather use the following code (This is copied from Adam Cameron's answer)


    NOTE: Go look at Adam Cameron's answer for a better description of whats going on.