Let's say there is a SQL table Fruit
id | name
--- ------
1 | 'apples'
2 | 'pears'
3 | 'kiwi'
4 | 'bananas, peaches and plumbs'
Given the following queries
<cfquery name="qAllFruit" datasource="#DSN#">
SELECT name FROM Fruit
<cfquery name="qLeftoverFruit" datasource="#DSN#">
SELECT name FROM Fruit
list="yes" />)
then qLeftoverFruit
will incorrectly return 1 row: bananas, peaches and plumbs
because the expanded cfqueryparam
list is interpreted incorrectly:
WHERE name NOT IN ('apples','pears','kiwi','bananas','peaches and plumbs')
Is there a way to correct this while still using the cfqueryparam
tag and ValueList
UPDATE Here's a gist you can use to recreate this issue: http://gist.github.com/a642878c96b82b21b52c
@Daniel Mendel, I think the problem is with the default separator used by ColdFusion. You have data that is having a ',' in it and the default separator in CF is ',' incidentally.
Change your query like this -
WHERE name NOT IN ( <cfqueryparam CFSQLType="CF_SQL_VARCHAR"
value="#ValueList(qTags.tag,';' )#"
list="Yes" separator=";" />
Just change the separator in valueList to ';' from default ',' and also set the QueryParam separator to ';'.