Cell A1
has top left coord of box, A2
has bottom right coord of box, how do I get A3
to display all the coords of the box in csv format?
Cell A1 = (24,20)
Cell A2 = (26,19)
How to get this?:
Cell A3 = (24,20),(25,20),(26,20),(24,19),(25,19),(26,19)
I am using Excel 2011
Is this what you are trying? (I hope I have understood your query correctly. If not then feel free to correct me)
Paste this code in a module and then call the =GetCord(A1,A2)
in cell A3
as shown in the screenshot below.
Public Function GetCord(rng1 As Range, rng2 As Range) As String
Dim strTmp As String, strTmp1 As String, strTmp2 As String
Dim a As Long, b As Long, i As Long, j As Long, k As Long
strTmp1 = rng1.Value: strTmp2 = rng2.Value
strTmp1 = Trim(Replace(strTmp1, "(", ""))
strTmp1 = Trim(Replace(strTmp1, ")", ""))
strTmp2 = Trim(Replace(strTmp2, "(", ""))
strTmp2 = Trim(Replace(strTmp2, ")", ""))
i = Val(Split(strTmp1, ",")(0))
j = Val(Split(strTmp1, ",")(1))
k = Val(Split(strTmp2, ",")(0))
l = Val(Split(strTmp2, ",")(1))
For b = j To l Step -1
For a = i To k
strTmp = strTmp & "(" & a & "," & b & "),"
Next a
Next b
GetCord = Left(strTmp, Len(strTmp) - 1)
End Function
Note: The above function is assuming that the y
Co-Ordinates are in decreasing order. To cater for all scenarios, you will have to include that check in the function.