
Pinball in Java

actually I have a code which I think it's complete , but i don't know how to run it on Eclipse...

that's a pinball game on java and i want to practice from this code :

in all classes it shows this error :

**Selection Doesn't contain an applet...**

what should I do to run it ?!


  • <APPLET CODE="PinBallGame.class" WIDTH=556 HEIGHT=530>
        <PARA NAME="HIT_SOUND" VALUE="sounds/"> 

    That applet element combined with the tag makes me think the class declaration of that class must be:

    public class PinBallGame extends JApplet //..

    However a search on '' in the list of classes shows no hits. I.E. whatever that code represents, it is not a complete example of the applet.

    ..want to practice from this code:

    That code is a poor example to base learning on, given the lack of a complete, workable example.

    More importantly, it is much easier to develop and deploy a free floating desktop application in a frame (JFrame).