
Cannot find a class in RealBasic - RealUnzip

This is a probably a really simple fix, but I'm extremely new to RealBasic and I'm having difficulty finding help.

dim objUnZipIt as new RealUnzip

The error I keep getting is :

There is no class with this name: di objUnZipIt as new RealUnzip

I'm attempting to debug something in a language I don't know, and the original developer is long gone. Where can I find the library? Or possibly make a small alteration to get this running?

Thank you very much.

Edit: Ok, digging through the folders I found a RealZip.dll . Any idea how I can import this ?


  • The RealZip plugin was provided by a third-party developer whose website has been offline for several years. You can still grab the plugin from the Internet Archive's copy of their site.

    Extract the .rbx file into the plugins sub-directory of the REALstudio install directory and restart the IDE. Since this plugin is no longer maintained, there may be issues with using it in a modern version of the IDE (the included demo project works, though, with only a deprecation warning unrelated to the plugin.)

    There's also a GZip plugin available on SourceForge (similarly unmaintained) and the commercial MonkeyBread Compression plugin which is actively maintained.