
PL/SQL check date is valid

If I have a date format DDMM in PL/SQL and I want to validate it. What is the correct way to do it?

DD is the day and MM is the moth.

For an example:
0208 - is a valid date
3209 - is not a valid date
0113 - is not a valid date.


  • You could write a function like this one, for instance:

    create or replace function is_valid(p_val in varchar2)
    return number
      not_a_valid_day   exception;
      not_a_valid_month exception;
      pragma exception_init(not_a_valid_day, -1847);
      pragma exception_init(not_a_valid_month, -1843);
      l_date date;
      l_date := to_date(p_val, 'ddmm');
      return 1;
      when not_a_valid_day or not_a_valid_month
      then return 0;
    SQL> with test_dates(dt) as(
      2    select '0208' from dual union all
      3    select '3209' from dual union all
      4    select '0113' from dual
      5  )
      6  select dt, is_valid(dt) as valid
      7    from test_dates
      8  /
    DT        VALID
    ---- ----------
    0208          1
    3209          0
    0113          0